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The Need
For over 20 years, Federal Employees have shared with us how challenging it can be to get clear and accurate answers on how their Federal Benefits and Retirement Program work. Our clients are not left on their own to guess about their future, which is why many federal employees have made time to met with us for over two decades.
Our Personal Attention
Our mission is to increase the financial strength and stability of Federal Employees and their families by providing high-quality education and personal services that will empower them to:
Understand how their Federal Benefits and Retirement System works and fits together.
Understand what options are available and how they work so they can decide which ones are right for them.
Gain clarity, confidence and remove the guesswork with our Personalized Benefits Reports.
We will provide federal employees with a personalized Federal Benefits printout and take the time to further explain how your benefits work, what you are entitled to, what options are available and how to maximize your Federal Benefits and Retirement Program:
Voluntary or Deferred Retirement (CSRS/FERS)
Creditable Civilian Service
Creditable Military Time
Survivor Spouse Election Options
FERS Special Retirement Supplement
Annual & Sick Leave
Thrift Savings Plan
Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI)
Social Security
Early Out Retirement
*Personalized Federal Computer Analysis*
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